H U S H …

While communicating with a few folks today, I was asked how do I handle folks talking about me?  Amazing to me how people can talk about others and call it “Venting”!  I understand you have to get it out of your system sometimes but do that with people who will keep your venting private.  Not mutual friends, family or acquaintances! 

 I was always told if you bring a bone you will carry a bone. It can be via call, text, e-mail or fb posts! Nothing is private anymore.. if you KEEP RUNNING YOUR MOUTH!!! 

People will cut and paste your conversations, forward your e-mails and share all kinds of “personal” info about you!  How do you prevent this? Glad you asked, SHUT YOUR MOUTH!!! If its a secret, hush! If its too personal to share, HUSH!

If you want to “keep this between me and you,” H U S H! ( that is reserved for the trustworthy only, and then you dont have to say this is between me and you!) Lifelong friendships are hard to come by and if you really know someone you wont let anyone or anything come  in between you and that friend! No man, no woman and no child. 

Silence can be golden if its done properly. Say what you want about me, No one has any heaven or hell to put me in, you are not my judge or jury.   Always remember when you point the finger of judgment at others the other 3 are pointing back at you! Check out your own mirror and clean up your own messes before dipping in another persons yard!! 

If you have ought with someone, talk to them or leave it alone is the answer to my initial question.  One of the best lesson I have learned is no one is perfect and without fault. Take me as I am or leave me the hell alone!  

Life is too short to waste time with folks who like to stir up drama from the time they wake up until the time the go to sleep.  Life is awesome and I plan to continue enjoying it, each day is a blessing and I do cherish that blessing !  Bottom line … H U S H !!!!!  


Speak ya mind!